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St Pauls Cathedral

Venue: London

Saturday 26 Oct 2024

Tickets Remaining: 20+

Ticket Prices:

  • up to 5 yrs £33.00
  • 6 - 17 yrs £42.00
  • 18 - 64 yrs £56.00
  • 65+ yrs £53.00

St Pauls Cathedral
All prices include entry to the Cathedral Floor, Crypt, the Dome Galleries, multimedia guides and coach.

Coach departs from Spalding at 8am, departs from London at 5.30pm

You will have free time after your visit to St Pauls Cathedral. Discover a working cathedral steeped in history when you visit St Paul's Cathedral. Destroyed by the Great Fire of London in 1666, the current building was designed by Sir Christopher Wren and completed in 1710. Its iconic dome is 111 metres (364ft) high and is one of the largest cathedral domes in the world. Experience breathtaking views along the central aisle as you enter the cathedral. Pause to admire Wellington’s Monument, a tribute to the Duke of Wellington, one of the country’s leading soldiers and statesmen. There are also monuments to the explorer Robert Scott and the painter JMW Turner, along with a marble effigy of John Donne, poet and a former Dean of the Cathedral. Look for the scorch marks on the base of the monument which was damaged in the Great Fire of London. Famous artworks include William Holman Hunt’s painting, The Light of the World, and the Henry Moore sculpture, Mother and Child: Hood, a memorial to modern martyrs. Venture down to the crypt and discover the tombs and memorials of some of the nation’s greatest heroes, such as Admiral Lord Nelson, the Duke of Wellington and Sir Christopher Wren. If you’ve got a head for heights, visit the Stone and Golden Galleries (subject to availability) to take in some of the most spectacular views across London.

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